Tobacco-Free Road Map Steps
Make the Case – Build Support
Involve your regional tobacco control manager early on. You don’t have to do this alone! Learn how to build support.
A guide to policy implementation: Dimensions Tobacco-Free Policy Toolkit.
Check out our Listening Session Guide and Sample Agenda

Develop & Adopt Tobacco-Free Policy

Staff Training

Integrate tobacco use treatment into clinical processes
Offer tobacco use treatment: medication and counseling services to clients and staff.
You can learn more about community resources and how to refer here

An important part of every step of the journey. Communicate early and often about this policy change.
Prepare the environment
Install signage, decals, posters and have “policy cards” onsite.
Remove ashtrays and thoroughly clean.
Clients & staff lead effort to convert smoking areas into something else that supports their goals.
Organize a “practice day” prior to the policy implementation date.

Promote adherence & evaluate
Launch your policy: Promoting adherence to the policy should be consistent over time & equally applied to staff, clients, & visitors.
Learn how to promote adherence from our FAQs
Communication, training, and evaluation of tobacco use treatment & policy activities and outcomes become permanent parts of organization activities.
Evaluate- learn how to create an evaluation plan

Icon attributions: Six of the icons used on this page are from the Noun Project and were created by the following artists: communication- Ragal Kartidev, building support- Lisa Waananen, policy- Shems Eddine Boukhatem, preparing the environment- Davide Benatti, staff training-Musmellow, and evaluation- Priyanka.