Outcomes for Breathe Easy NC
The last 5 years of data have shown an increase in tobacco use treatment and smoke-free policies in behavioral health settings.
At the same time, tobacco use is decreasing among people reporting struggles with mental health or heavy drinking in NC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data .
More people with behavioral health conditions in North Carolina will live longer, happier lives as a result.

Facilities data for 2016-20 comes from the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services & the National Mental Health Services Survey.
2021 facilities data is from the National Survey of Substance Use & Mental Health Services Survey.
Smoke-free policy data was not available for mental health facilities beyond 2016. In 2016, 51.5% of NC mental health facilities reported having a smoke-free campus.

Want to integrate tobacco use treatment for your clients? Or implement a tobacco-free policy?